Sims 4 Cc Freckles !!TOP!!
Create a baby face for your Sim with these tiny freckles perfectly scattered across the cheeks. It has more than quarter of a million downloads at The Sims Resource. These freckles created by Seleng can be downloaded from here.
Sims 4 Cc Freckles
Another gorgeous freckle pack to create a lovely baby faced look for your Sim. Achieve the gorgeous look in the image with these freckles created by Magnolia-c, which are already at 119000 downloads at The Sims Resource. Head over there, too, and download them right now.
This creation made by Ms blue not only affects the face, but the whole body. It makes any Sim look more realistic with freckles and moles all over the skin. If you want to download it, head over to this link today.
This creation by Busra-tr has almost 100k downloads at The Sims Resource. It works with all kinds of skins, thanks to the various shades that these freckles are available in. The beautiful brown spots are guaranteed to make some heads turn, wherever your Sim goes. Go to this link to download it today.
The Crystal Freckle skin created by Pralinesims is exactly what it says on the box: crystal clear, glowing skin with tiny, perfectly round spots to complement the skin. To get your hands on this beautiful custom creation, visit this link right now.
Keth created these freckles for those Sims with darker skin. The dark brown freckles highlight the face beautifully, and make your Sim stand out from a crowd for sure. Download them today from here.
Another set of freckles that are light colored and soft, and will complement any hairdo, face shape or skin tone. Use these enchanting, pale freckles on your Sim today by going to this link to download them.
Full face-freckles in 30 versions, for all ages and genders. Comes in 6 different placement versions (whole face, upper face half, under face half, cheek+nose, only cheeks, only nose. All of them come in 5 colors.
Product: The Sims 4Platform:PCWhich language are you playing the game in? EnglishHow often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)What is your current game version number? expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All, except Batuu, Spooky stuff, Bust the Dust, and Courtyard Oasis Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Give child or toddler freckles and wait. Sometimes after reloading from cas or traveling I notice the missing skin detailsWhat happens when the bug occurs? Skin details disappear after a while. Unknown cause but after several sim days when I enter cas I will have to put freckles back on my sims. What do you expect to see? I expect freckles and other skin details to stay on my sims Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure
Identical twins, both had freckles after age up and now only one still has freckles. It is inconsistent when they disappear but it happens multiple times to the same sims seemingly randomly. This bug also doesn't appear to affect adults or teens.
Established: March 2015Currently: var fhs = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id = "5570168";var ref = (''+document.referrer+'');var pn = window.location;var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height;fhs.src = "//"+fhs_id+"&e1=Simmer Visiting&e2=Simmers Visiting&r="+ref+"&wh="+w_h+"&a=1&pn="+pn+"";document.head.appendChild(fhs);document.write("");Visitors: var fhsh = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id_h = "3364116";fhsh.src = "//"+fhs_id_h+"&name=Visits&a=1";document.head.appendChild(fhsh);document.write("");Blog Theme: PeggyscarterDL Page Theme: Seyche tweets Tweets by nolansimscc Freckle OverlayThis set of freckles contains 12 swatches. They are a variety of face and body freckles. These freckles can be used by toddler-elder sims.
-sets-objects-livingroom/title/come-cozy/id/1370376/wondymoon's Lutetium Bedroom - The Sims ResourcePralinesims' Bricks - The Sims ResourceSeverinka_'s Sport inventory set - The Sims Resourceung999's Black White Bedroom - The Sims Resourceung999's Living Capri - The Sims ResourceNynaeveDesign's Soho Bathroom - The Sims ResourceNynaeveDesign's Skyline Bedroom - The Sims ResourceNynaeveDesign's Soho Dining Room - The Sims ResourceNynaeveDesign's Soho Kitchen - The Sims Resourcewondymoon's Neodymium Living Room - The Sims Resourcewondymoon's Ytterbium Living - The Sims Resourcewondymoon's Actinium Kitchen - The Sims Resourcejomsims' Ercazia bathroom - The Sims ResourceNynaeveDesign's Pacific Heights Bathroom - The Sims ResourceNynaeveDesign's Altara Curtains (3 tiles) - The Sims Resourceung999's Bedroom Acacia Curtains Recolor - The Sims Resourcespacesims' Elvarli hallway - The Sims ResourceNynaeveDesign's Pacific Heights Living Room - The Sims ResourceNynaeveDesign's Pokemon Toys - The Sims ResourceDOT's Wire Mod Pad Dining Chair Mesh - The Sims ResourceMod The Sims - Glossy Granite Wall TilesNynaeveDesign's Sonic Reflective Wall Tiles (tile) - The Sims ResourceNynaeveDesign's Pacific Heights Reflective Wall TilesShinoKCR's Bedroom Baker - The Sims Resourcemutske's Skylight Modern Center 4x2 - The Sims ResourcePralinesims' Old Wood Floor 17 - The Sims Resourcepossibly - NynaeveDesign's Altara Build Set - The Sims ResourceDOT's Yard String 4 Pole Light Mesh - The Sims ResourceDOT's Wire Bench Mesh - The Sims ResourceSeverinka_'s Set of mirrors - The Sims ResourceAngela's Whitby Dining - The Sims ResourceSeverinka_'s Set of shelves - The Sims ResourceSIMcredible!'s Nature In - The Sims Resourcemutske's Cedar Doors and Arches - The Sims Resourcewondymoon's Ytterbium Living Room - The Sims ResourceSIMcredible!'s Young Way Kitchen - The Sims ResourceNynaeveDesign's Sonic Build Set - The Sims Resourceung999's Black White Bathroom - The Sims ResourceFaith's toddler room cc - Severinka_'s Princess Nursery - The Sims Resource, Severinka_'s Royal nursery - The Sims Resource
Another small project completed, face and body freckles for your sims. Nothing complicated, but I think it can be useful ! Available for all age, with 10 variations (the difference is sometime very subtle ! :p). Categorized as freckles, obviously.
For the people who lovee bright and colors.. here are some cute lil freckles in color version, normal version and white version. For both.. or all genders. :D Enjoy!! (Tag MinniMii if you use, i would love to see)
Some of my favourite skin details to add in the sims 4 are freckles, because they are so natural looking for gorgeous. These Fiona rose nose freckles do not disappoint, they add such a nice subtle freckle to your sims which is so gorgeous.
These simple freckles are very subtle facial freckles that are really beautiful. These are available for masculine and feminine tagged sims, all ages from teen to elder and is base game compatible! They look great especially on teenage sims and make them look really sweet.
Sometimes cc freckles are just a bit too much and add a ton of moles and freckles to your sim. The subtle freckles and moles skin detail will add a few small freckles and moles all over your sims body.
The first thing on this list are some body freckles that are going to work for all ages and all genders in the game. These add some gorgeous freckles to every part of your sims body, except for their face.
Sagittariah makes so many beautiful and interesting birthmarks for your sims, and these lunar birthmarks are so cute. These are great for sims who are into astrology or maybe for a spellcaster sim who is super adorable.
There are so many reasons why your sims may have scars across their face and why you may want these sims 4 skin details scars in your game. Maybe in your storytelling you have a sim who was attacked by an animal, or someone who was born with a scar from birth (which is really common for twins or triplets), whatever your reason these are great scars for a more healed look that can be on your sims for a while.
Afterglow is a face only skin blend that really makes your sims glow. It has a fun bright glow right above the lip and a nice highlight on the nose which make your sims so cute. There are four eyelid options and each have different cheekbones too!
This glitter kit by MSQSims is so pretty and unique, and can be great for a sims formal wear. These skin details add a bit of glitter to your sims face, depending on how much you want, and are so pretty in game.
One thing that is pretty odd in The Sims 4 is how weird and unnatural the hair line is, there is no natural start to the EA default hairline. This organic hairline will let your sims have a subtle hairline begin a bit before the hair starts, making it look much more natural in game.
This is awesome because it gives so much more dimension and intrigue to regular hairs in game and makes sims so much prettier.This is also awesome because you can use it with many custom hairstyles too!
These sims 4 skin details are honestly the best way to make your characters look more unique in the game and create such interesting and fun characters. Each of the skin details on this list are so unique and using them as mix and match options can make your sims so beautiful. Happy Playing!